柴田聡子 - 「ようこそ」
Satoko Shibata - "Welcome"

an amateur English translation

ようこそ よく来たねここへ welcome, you came all this way

岩だのなんだの乗り越え over the rocks and whatnot

周りの反対も押し切って overcoming the surrounding obstacles

高速も通ってなくて電車も週に1本2本 no high-speed train here, just 1 or 2 trains a week

ロイホにもスシローにも一苦労 it's hard to even get to a Roiho or Sushiro

スナックは街にひとつ only one bar in town

ひとりぼっちのふりしてたけれど I was pretending to be alone but,

そんなことはただの一度もなかったんだけど that's actually just something that never happened but

ようこそ!言ってみたかったんだ今日こそ welcome! I really wanted to say that today.

ようこそ!言ってみたかったんだ今日こそ welcome! I really wanted to say that today.

ようこそ 早く入りなよ家に welcome, hurry come inside

風呂場のシャンプーリンスどれでも use any shampoo or conditioner in the bath

冷蔵庫の中こっち麦茶 there's barley tea in the fridge

こっちそば茶まぎらわしい色 and this soba tea is confusingly a similar color

毛虫がたまに降ってくるけど sometimes it rains caterpillars but

悪さしないからよけといて they won't harm you so just move them aside, ok

言ってなかったけどこちら I hadn't mentioned it but here's

一緒に暮らしている人 the person that's living with me

ひとりぼっちのふりしてたけれど I was pretending to be alone but

そんなことはただの一度もなかったんだけど that's actually just something that never happened but

ようこそ!言ってみたかったんだ今日こそ welcome! I really wanted to say that today.

ようこそ!言ってみたかったんだ今日こそ welcome! I really wanted to say that today.

ようこそ!言ってみたかったんだ今日こそ welcome! I really wanted to say that today.

ようこそ!言ってみたかったんだ今日こそ welcome! I really wanted to say that today.

ようこそ welcome